Item #

10010 |
Black Watch Pipes and Drums - Bass Drummer - Early 20th Century, 1 pc in window box |

10011 |
Black Watch Pipes and Drums - Pipe Major - Early 20th Century, 1 pc in window box |

10012 |
Black Watch Pipes and Drums - Tenor Drummer - Early 20th Century, 1 pc in window box |

10013 |
Black Watch Piper - El Alamein - 1942, 1 pc. in window box |

10014 |
Black Watch Highlander - 2006, 1 pc. in window box |

10016 |
The Royal Edinburgh Tatoo - The Lone Piper |

10017 |
Continental Marine - 1779-1783, 1 pc. in window box |

10018 |
U.S. Marine - War of 1812/Barbary Pirates - 1811-1818, 1 pc. in window box |

10019 |
Black Watch Colour Party, Ensign with Queen's Colour, 1 pc. in window box |

10020 |
Black Watch Colour Party, Ensign with Regimental Colour, 1 pc. in window box |

10021 |
Black Watch Colour Party - Colour Sergeant, 1 pc. in window box |

10022 |
Black Watch Colour Party - Regimental Sergeant Major, 1 pc. in window box |

10028 |
General Douglas MacArthur, Korean War, 1 pc. in window box |

10029 |
Black Watch Highlander, Ensign, Queen's Colour, Crimean War 1854, 1 pc. in window box |

10030 |
Highlander, 78th Highland Regiment of Foot (Ross-Shire Buffs), 1869 |

10031 |
Black Watch Private Marching No.1, Early 20th Century |

10032 |
Black Watch Highlander, World War I, 1916 |

10039 |
Thomas Jefferson #1, The Declaration of Independence |


10042 |
78th Highland Regiment Piper, 1870 |

10044 |
Grenadier Guards Officer, 1831 |


10045 |
Colonel Douglas MacArthur, World War I |


10046 |
78th Highland Regiment Drummer, 1870 |

10047 |
78th Highland Regiment NCO, 1870 |

10048 |
British Grenadier Guardsman, 1831
